Family Groups

We have 3 easy pathways to help you get connected to a Family Group near you:

1. Use the interactive map above to find a group in your general vicinity. By clicking on a waypoint, you'll see the contact information for that Family Group leader. Simply call or text them to get an exact address and let them know you'll be coming.

2. Visit a staff person or Family Group leader during a Sunday gathering. They can help you identify a group that works for your schedule.

3. Email Trey, who can help facilitate a meeting between you and and a Family Group leader in your area.

By opening our doors, our ComCity family has an incredible opportunity to glorify Jesus throughout week. If you desire to open your door for gospel-centered community, contact us.

Here's another gathering that you can be apart of throughout your week.

Elder-Led Prayer Morning
1. Tuesday's at 6:00 AM
2. 429 Columbia Ave / BCM Building
3. Led by our elders, everyone is welcome!
4. Text Curt Vernon (859-553-1500)
5. Praying for the city of Lexington, Intercession, and praise of what the Lord has answered